Easy Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home
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Add Plants
The easiest thing you can do to improve air quality in your home is to add live plants.
Change your Air Filters
Air out your home regularly
Opening your windows for a period every day can help remove smells and allergens from your home, plus let in a supply of fresh oxygen. It’s easy to keep every window shut permanently during the winter months but let in some air when you can, even if it does mean the temperature drops for a little while afterward.
Clean out your air ducts
Any air ducts that you have around the home are going to need a thorough cleaning out on a regular basis too. If you are allowing them to sit there collecting dust, then all that means is that you are breathing in that dust and dirt every day. To counter this, get a professional team like DUCTZ to clean out the air ducts properly, thoroughly and regularly. You will find this is hugely effective in keeping the air clean in your home.