Christmas Farmhouse Beads and Wall Decor
Hi and welcome back! It’s beginning to look a lot like a farmhouse Christmas! We hope this season finds you happy and healthy. We are finishing up our Christmas decor here at our home. If you followed along with our entry in the One Room Challenge® this fall, you may remember the rustic wall decor we made using an old window frame and some farmhouse beads. That post can be found here if you want to check it out. Well, today I decided to give that wall decor a little Christmas spirit. Here’s the original version: Step1: I removed the decor from the wall, and removed all…
One Room Challenge – Warm, Cozy Dining Room Reveal
This week we finished the One Room Challenge® for our warm and cozy dining room. Who is ready for the reveal and some before and after photos? I can’t believe we have already arrived at the end of this season’s One Room Challenge®. I had such a fabulous time that I am already planning which room I will renovate for the spring event. I also learned so much from the other designers and I really enjoyed following along with their renovations. If you have followed along with me for the last 6 weeks, thank you so much! If you are a new visitor, welcome and feel free to check out…
Window Treatments and Wall Decor – Week 5 – ORC
Hi everyone, this week we finally made it to the window treatments and wall decor for our dining room makeover. If you are following along on our One Room Challenge adventure, welcome back. If this is your first time visiting we are so happy you are here and if you would like to catch up you can find everything from our plans of Week 1 to our accessories of Week 4 at the following links. Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Let’s jump right in and get started with the window treatments. I knew I wanted sheers for this room to add some light texture to…
Rustic Wall Decor with Farmhouse Beads
Hi everyone and welcome back. As promised, today we are going to make a rustic wall hanging using farmhouse beads. For a complete farmhouse bead tutorial, click here. Supplies To make your own rustic wall decor, you will need a wooden word, I chose “Blessed”. You will also need a bead strand and a pompon garland. I found this garland at Michaels. You will also need a rustic window frame like this one: I used a window frame that I bought a few years ago and had been using as decor on our back porch, but I found some similar ones here and here. Preparation You…
Modern Rustic Dining Room Accessories – ORC – Week 4
We are in the home stretch of our modern rusting dining room update. The painting is finished! The furniture is in! The light has been hung! Now it’s time for the easy stuff. The accessories! If you have been following along, welcome back! If this is your first time visiting we are so glad you are here. If you would like to catch up, you can find my previous weeks updates on the One Room Challenge® by following these links. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3. I can’t believe we are in week 4 already! I started this week by adding accessories to my bar cart, the one piece…
Simple and Inexpensive DIY Farmhouse Bead Strands
Farmhouse Beads Are Everywhere! They are definitely the home decor item of the moment. There are plenty of places to purchase them, but I want to show you how simple it is to make them for yourself. Supplies You only need 3 items, and 15 or 20 minutes to make a basic strand of farmhouse beads. You will need wooden beads, tassels, and some type of cording. I use leather cording or multiple layers of jute cording to make sure they are durable. If you want to spice things up, especially seasonally, you can add some glass beads, or multi-color wood beads. For example, you can do red…